宗旨 Mission

港兒童視力篩查及教育中心(VSEC) 是一間慈善機構(稅局慈善機構檔案編號:91/18372),致力推動兒童視覺健康教育,使社區及家長們提升對眼睛護理的重視。


逾四成香港兒童需配戴眼鏡 比率冠絕全球


現時香港政府的《學前兒童視力普查》 提供四至五歲兒童免費視力測試,家長需要預約前往母嬰健康院進行檢查。兒童視力發展在零至八歲最為重要,是矯正視力的黃金期,故越早發現異常,便能及早進行適當治療。但幼童的理解及表達能力有限,他們大多數未能配合完成坊間一般的視光檢測。


H ong Kong Vision Screening and Education Center (VSEC) is a charitable institution which under section 88 of The Inland Revenue Ordinance (File No.: 91/18372). VSEC aims to promote children visual health education and raise the awareness of vision health in community.

VSEC is also committed to provide free school vision screening to all pre-school children in Hong Kong, and to fill the age group not covered by the government. Detecting vision problems early could avoid delay in treatment ; correct and restore normal vision during the golden period could be achieved.

More than 40% of Hong Kong children have vision problems and wear glasses; the highest ratio in the world

Children who need to wear glasses are getting younger and younger in age. The rate of myopia in the group of six years old or younger is more than 11%, and the rate of myopia in the group of primary four has risen to more than 40% * . reflecting the tendency of myopia to be "younger in age" .

The Family Health Service of the Department of Health provides vision screening for preschool children at 4 to 5 years of age by registered optometrist/orthoptist. Parents could make an appointment for their children with the Maternal and Child Health Center for the said screening. Children’s vision development is most crucial in their early ages, and age between zero to eight is the golden period of vision correction. Hence, the sooner the vision problems are found, the earlier appropriate treatment can be carried out. Due to the limited understanding and expression skills of young children, most of them may not fully fulfil the general visual examination.

*Based on the research findings of the Hong Kong Children's Ophthalmology Project released by the Ophthalmology Team of the School of Medicine of CUHK in 2019




VSEC aims to provide free in-school vision screening to all pre-school children in Hong Kong, and to fill the age group not covered by the government. Detecting vision problems early could avoid delay in treatment ; correct and restore normal vision during the golden period could be achieved.


逾四成香港兒童需配戴眼鏡 比率冠絕全球

More than 40% of Hong Kong children need to wear glasses.
The highest ratio in the world.


Children who need to wear glasses are getting younger and younger in age. The rate of myopia in the group of six years old or younger is more than 11%, and the rate of myopia in the group of primary four has risen to more than 40% * . reflecting the tendency of myopia to be "younger in age" .

*Based on the research findings of the Hong Kong Children's Ophthalmology Project released by the Ophthalmology Team of the School of Medicine of CUHK in 2019
  • 香港 Hong Kong11%
  • 北京 Beijing7%
  • 新加坡 Singapore6%
  • 印度 India5%
  • 上海 Shanghai5%
  • 深圳 Shenzhen3%
  • 荷蘭 Netherlands2%
  • 澳洲 Australia1%


Hong Kong children's vision problems

Statistic from VSEC In-School Vision Screening Program

Spectacle glasses needed


Parents did not identify affected children


當中患有散光 (度數超過1.75)
With Astigmatism (over 1.75 diopters)


當中患有近視 (度數超過100度)
With Myopia (over 1.0 diopters)


  • 弱視
  • 斜視
  • 較嚴重的屈光問題
Common causes of abnormal vision:
  • Amblyopia
  • Squint
  • Significant refractive errors,
    (such as long-sightedness, short-sightedness and astigmatism).

如有任何查詢請致電 3689 6836

For enquiries please call 3689 6836

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